The introduction of natural kelp into fish farming pens is a new concept in fish farming.
The effectiveness of cleaner fish in controlling sea lice has focused attention on the benefits of increasing the welfare of these fish in the salmon cages. The purpose of KelpRing is to replicate the cleaner fish's natural shoreline habitat and transfer it into salmon pens, directly in the middle of the lice zone. By providing the cleaner fish with their natural environment, stress is reduced and longevity is increased resulting in an improvement in lice control.   Multiple benefits arise from an increase in productivity in the salmon pens resulting from the reduction in the requirement for other types of treatment.
The KelpRing is a passive, non-intrusive system made from materials which are recyclable, reusable and natural. It is designed to be user friendly and cost-effective. Given its use of natural kelp, the KelpRing is low maintenance and delivers an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture model.
KelpRing is patent protected.


The KelpRing comprises a negatively buoyant platform on which natural kelp grows. The KelpRing provides a passive 24/7 year round natural kelp forest, providing habitat enrichment for the cleaner fish. The cleaner fish will be sheltered within the natural kelp forest and from there will foray out to feed on the lice.  
The KelpRing can be manufactured to any size to best suit the cages in which it is to be deployed. The lightweight, rounded, flexible nature of the KelpRing means that it will not damage the nets and can be used to provide shelter to the cleaner fish during farming operations.
Designed to allow all normal aquaculture activities to be carried out unhindered, the KelpRing can be deployed at variable depths to ensure that the cleaner fish remain in the lice zone.
Its variable, lightweight and manoeuvrable design mean that multiple KelpRings can be deployed at different depths in each pen. In the summer months KelpRings can be deployed at a shallow depths which can be adjusted to suit feeding levels and other farming operations.  With the approach of winter, KelpRings can be lowered towards the base of the pen to provide a safe, natural habitat for the wrasse during their dormant period, whilst other KelpRings can be maintained at a shallower level to support the lumpfish which come to the fore during this period.

KelpRing, the next generation of cleaner fish habitats.

Showing how wrasse and salmon interact with the KelpRing when installed in the farm pens.

KelpRing on trial with Loch Duart

5 minute observational video showing the environmental enrichment provided by the KelpRing.

Shows wrasse hunting sea lice, wrasse/salmon interaction, natural habitat interactions from the wrasse and them using the KelpRing as a base for their foraging trips.

The cleaner fish were a mix of nursery bred and wild caught Ballan wrasse and all were displaying good welfare indicators. The habitats were carefully positioned to allow the wrasse to be close to the salmon swim path.

Fake Kelp V Natural Kelp.

1.50 minute video showing the preference of the cleaner fish between the present industry standard of fake plastic kelp and the natural living kelp forest of the KelpRing.